Blockchain as Education Tool

Benevolent Moon Gaming & Finance
2 min readAug 24, 2021

I have spent my whole professional life as an educator. First, I taught high school English and coached everything under the sun, then I moved to middle school, and finally, I came over to the “dark side” of school administration. All the while, I have always felt that my greatest “job” is to teach my own children. Teach them about being kind, benevolent, community-minded people. Teach them skills that will help them survive and thrive in their adulthood. Teach them that we can take our passions, our hobbies, and that which is the elixir of our existence and make it a career that both spiritually and financially sustains us.

While I humbly feel confident that we have achieved these objectives so far, my own foray onto the blockchain has manifested many more opportunities to roll up our sleeves and bring the aforementioned lessons to life. Discovering DaVinci Gallery has presented a tremendous gateway for my daughter, whose passion for art, and love of converting her pencil drawings into a digital format can now be shared with a truly global community audience. Further, when she is able to understand how blockchain technology works, the minting process, how non-fungible tokens (#NFTs) work, in addition to the marketing and entrepreneurial spirit behind the whole process, she will gain an education that will serve her well in the future world in which she will thrive.

In sharing with friends, I realize that she is learning about finance, marketing, royalties, interest, technology- all in a robust forward thinking way. But more significantly, after she sold her first four pieces, we immediately had the conversation about giving back to the community that is allowing her to have such success.

We discussed donating a specially made piece to the Harmony One cause . In this first case, we will leverage our relationships with our validators (she also is learning about PoS and ePoS), to offer some works to help support unelected validators- as the strength of the decentralized community is the depth and breadth of collaborative validators across the globe.

When thinking about all of this, and the inherent gifts along the way, what is most meaningful to me is that as a dad, I get to share this all with my children- and we are loving partners in this exciting endeavor that is both benevolent and life-changing for us.

Stephen Tse

DaVinci Gallery




Benevolent Moon Gaming & Finance

Just a regular dad, who loves the blockchain space, tech, defi, crypto, NFT, Web3- the energy and community, smart transcendent projects and great leaders.